NFT Email Marketplace

Marketplace Technology


This system facilitates the buying and selling of email addresses as NFTs, integrating front-end, Web2 backend, and Web3 components to ensure a seamless user experience. The platform supports transactions on multiple blockchain networks, including Ethereum, Binance Smart Chain, and Avalanche. Users can connect their wallets, browse available NFT emails, purchase, register, and list emails for sale using an intuitive interface.

Front-End Technologies


  • Description: A popular framework for building server-rendered React applications.

  • Features: Provides optimized performance, easy routing, and automatic code splitting.

  • Usage: Used for rendering pages on the server side, improving SEO and initial load times, and handling dynamic routes for email listings and user profiles.

Tailwind CSS:

  • Description: A utility-first CSS framework.

  • Features: Enables rapid UI development with pre-defined classes and a highly customizable design system.

  • Usage: Used to style components and layouts consistently across the platform, ensuring a responsive and modern design.


  • Description: Standard technologies for structuring and styling web content.

  • Usage: Used in conjunction with Tailwind CSS to build and style the user interface elements, ensuring compatibility and accessibility.

Web2 Backend Technologies


  • Description: A JavaScript runtime environment that executes code outside a web browser.

  • Features: Enables server-side scripting, non-blocking I/O operations, and the building of scalable network applications.

  • Usage: Powers the backend server, handling API requests, user authentication, and business logic.

NestJS Framework:

  • Description: A progressive Node.js framework for building efficient, scalable server-side applications.

  • Features: Provides a modular architecture, dependency injection, and a rich set of decorators.

  • Usage: Organizes backend code into modules, controllers, and services, enhancing maintainability and scalability.


  • Description: A NoSQL database known for its flexibility and scalability.

  • Features: Stores data in JSON-like documents, supports horizontal scaling, and provides a flexible schema design.

  • Usage: Stores user data, transaction records, email information, and metadata related to NFTs.


  • Description: A tool for API documentation.

  • Features: Allows developers to design, build, and document APIs with an interactive UI for testing endpoints.

  • Usage: Documents all API endpoints, making it easier for developers to understand and interact with the backend services.

Web3 Components


  • Description: A statically-typed programming language for writing smart contracts on Ethereum.

  • Features: Supports complex user-defined types, libraries, and inheritance.

  • Usage: Used to write smart contracts that handle the minting, transferring, and ownership of NFT emails.


  • Description: A library for interacting with the Ethereum blockchain.

  • Features: Provides utilities for signing transactions, reading from the blockchain, and interacting with smart contracts.

  • Usage: Facilitates communication between the frontend and smart contracts, enabling functionalities like wallet connection and transaction processing.


  • Description: A protocol for connecting decentralized applications to mobile wallets using QR code scanning or deep linking.

  • Features: Provides a secure and easy-to-use method for wallet connection without exposing private keys.

  • Usage: Allows users to connect their wallets to the platform, sign transactions, and interact with smart contracts securely.

Smart Contract Interaction:

  • Description: Supports interaction with multiple blockchain networks including Ethereum, Binance Smart Chain, and Avalanche.

  • Features: Ensures compatibility with different blockchains, enabling a wider range of users to participate in the marketplace.

  • Usage: Smart contracts deployed on these networks manage the creation, ownership, and transfer of NFT emails, ensuring security and transparency.

Additional Components

IPFS (InterPlanetary File System):

  • Description: A distributed file system that seeks to connect all computing devices with the same system of files.

  • Usage: Used for storing metadata and media files associated with NFT emails, ensuring decentralized and tamper-proof storage.


  • Description: A collection of libraries that allow interaction with a local or remote Ethereum node using HTTP, IPC, or WebSocket.

  • Usage: An alternative to Ether.js for certain functionalities, providing additional flexibility in interacting with the blockchain.


  • Description: A platform developed by Google for creating mobile and web applications.

  • Usage: Utilized for real-time database capabilities, user authentication, and hosting static assets.

Last updated