Development Stage

NFT Marketplace development stages in detail

Development Steps

Step 1: Initial Setup and Planning

  1. Define Project Structure and Architecture:

    • Determine the overall architecture (e.g., monolithic, microservices).

    • Plan the directory structure for front-end, backend, and smart contracts.

    • Identify key components and services.

    • Define the flow of data between components.

  2. Set Up Version Control with Git:

    • Initialize a Git repository for the project.

    • Establish branching strategies (e.g., main, develop, feature branches).

    • Set up a remote repository on GitHub, GitLab, or Bitbucket.

    • Create a .gitignore file to exclude unnecessary files from version control.

  3. Create Initial Project Documentation:

    • Draft a README file with an overview, installation instructions, and usage.

    • Document the project’s goals, scope, and deliverables.

    • Create a project timeline with milestones and deadlines.

    • Outline development guidelines and best practices.

Step 2: Front-End Development

  1. Set Up the Next.js Project:

    • Initialize the Next.js project with npx create-next-app.

    • Configure TypeScript if needed for type safety.

    • Set up ESLint and Prettier for code linting and formatting.

  2. Implement Initial UI Components with Tailwind CSS:

    • Install and configure Tailwind CSS.

    • Create reusable UI components (e.g., buttons, forms, modals).

    • Define the theme and style guide.

  3. Create Basic Pages for Email Listing, Buying, and Selling:

    • Develop pages for browsing available NFT emails.

    • Implement forms for buying and selling emails.

    • Create user dashboard for managing owned NFTs.

  4. Integrate Routing and Server-Side Rendering:

    • Set up dynamic routing for email detail pages.

    • Implement server-side rendering for SEO optimization.

    • Configure Next.js API routes if necessary.

Step 3: Web2 Backend Development

  1. Set Up Node.js and NestJS Project:

    • Initialize a NestJS project with npx nest new.

    • Set up environment variables and configuration management.

  2. Design and Implement the MongoDB Schema:

    • Define schemas for users, email records, and transactions.

    • Set up Mongoose or TypeORM for MongoDB integration.

  3. Develop API Endpoints for CRUD Operations:

    • Create controllers and services for user management.

    • Implement endpoints for creating, reading, updating, and deleting email records.

    • Secure endpoints with authentication and authorization.

  4. Document APIs Using Swagger:

    • Integrate Swagger for API documentation.

    • Annotate controllers and endpoints for automatic documentation generation.

    • Host Swagger documentation for easy access by developers.

Step 4: Web3 Smart Contracts

  1. Write and Deploy Smart Contracts Using Solidity:

    • Develop smart contracts for minting, transferring, and managing NFT emails.

    • Implement features like metadata storage and ownership tracking.

  2. Develop Smart Contracts for Minting, Transferring, and Managing Email NFTs:

    • Use standards like ERC-721 for NFT implementation.

    • Ensure contracts are secure and optimized.

  3. Deploy Contracts on Ethereum, Binance Smart Chain, and Avalanche Testnets:

    • Use tools like Hardhat or Truffle for deployment scripts.

    • Test deployments on testnets to ensure functionality.

    • Verify and publish contracts on block explorers like Etherscan or BscScan.

Step 5: Web3 Integration

  1. Integrate Ether.js and WalletConnect into the Front-End Application:

    • Set up Ether.js for blockchain interactions.

    • Configure WalletConnect for secure wallet connections.

  2. Enable Wallet Connection and Interaction with Smart Contracts:

    • Implement wallet connection flow in the UI.

    • Enable users to sign transactions and interact with smart contracts.

  3. Develop UI Components for Viewing and Managing NFTs:

    • Create components for displaying NFT details and ownership status.

    • Implement features for transferring and selling NFTs.

Step 6: Testing

  1. Perform Unit Testing and Integration Testing:

    • Write unit tests for individual components and functions.

    • Implement integration tests for end-to-end workflows.

  2. Conduct End-to-End Testing of the Entire System:

    • Use tools like Cypress or Selenium for automated E2E testing.

    • Test critical user journeys from front-end to backend.

  3. Test Smart Contract Interactions on Testnets:

    • Simulate real-world scenarios on testnets.

    • Ensure contract interactions work as expected.

Step 7: Deployment

  1. Set Up Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment (CI/CD) Pipelines:

    • Configure CI/CD pipelines using tools like GitHub Actions, Jenkins, or GitLab CI.

    • Automate testing, building, and deployment processes.

  2. Deploy the Front-End Application and Backend Services:

    • Choose hosting services like DigitalOcean, AWS, or Vercel.

    • Automate deployment processes for both front-end and backend.

  3. Deploy Smart Contracts on Mainnets:

    • Perform final checks and audits of smart contracts.

    • Deploy contracts on mainnet environments for Ethereum, Binance Smart Chain, and Avalanche.

Step 8: Monitoring and Maintenance

  1. Set Up Monitoring and Logging:

    • Implement monitoring tools like Prometheus, Grafana, or New Relic.

    • Set up centralized logging using ELK Stack or Loggly.

  2. Implement Error Tracking and Performance Monitoring:

    • Use tools like Sentry or Rollbar for error tracking.

    • Monitor application performance and optimize as needed.

  3. Plan for Regular Updates and Maintenance:

    • Schedule regular maintenance windows.

    • Plan for feature updates, security patches, and bug fixes.

Additional Technologies and Tools

  • Postman: For API testing, allowing developers to manually test endpoints and automate tests.

  • Ganache: For local Ethereum blockchain simulation during development, providing a personal blockchain for testing contracts.

  • Hardhat: For managing smart contract development and deployment, offering tools for testing, compiling, and deploying contracts.

Last updated